Make the best out of this crisis and use this check-in to align and empower your team.

This is a series of questions for each team member to reflect upon and process the occurrences over these past couple of weeks. The purpose of this exercise is to give your team the opportunity to align and bond over this worldwide pandemic which is affecting all of our lives in different ways. The questions are asked in an effort to nudge the team into sharing vulnerability and establishing trusting cooperation though a proactive mindset and increased accountability throughout the group.

Tool DetailS: 

  • Timeframe: 25-60 min (depending on group size - please calculate in agenda..)
  • Group size: 2-40
  • Facilitation lvl: Beginner
  • Comfort-zone: Safe
  • Intention: Open up a dialogue within the group
  • Desired outcome: Align, empower and create safety within the team for improved mental health and productivity throughout the day.
TOOL details


April 12, 2020



Desired Outcome: 

Align, empower and create safety within the team for improved mental health and productivity throughout the day.


A Tip: We recommend sharing in your teams by having the questions in front of yourselves during this exercise. Feel free to copy and paste this imagine into your chat or slides document

1. How are you feeling today?

How has your pace been? (fast, slow & why?)

2. Considering COVID-19, how has your personal life been impacted?

Negatively? Positively? (give examples for both)

3. What are you currently doing to manage this changed lifestyle?

Are you structure? Not structured? What are you struggling with?

4. What would you like to do more of? & Why?

5. How is COVID-19 affecting your dedication to the project and group?

Motivation levels? Mental state? Focus? Inspiration levels? Emotional state?


2min introduction of checkin | 5min individual reflection | 2-3min sharing per person

[Please calculate the time in total]

1. YOU ARE THE FACILITATOR: Begin the call/meeting & make sure everyone is present.

2. Introduce the Intention of this session and set the stage for vulnerability and trust by explaining the Desired Outcome and what is going to happen during the COVID-19 CheckIn + an example scope of what answers could be (if there is a need or confusion). [SHARE THE QUESTIONS]

3. Reflect Individually:

Have your team reflect on these questions for 5 minutes individually. [KEEP TIME: 5min]

4. Share as a group:

Begin the sharing as the facilitator, which also means you need to set the bar for the rest of the group to feel safe and be vulnerable by opening up.

As the facilitator, you delegate the order of the people to take turns and share their thoughts & feelings. [KEEP TIME: 2-3min each]

5. Finish the Check In: invite the group to take part in a conversation for around 5-10 minutes to reflect on the checkin and allow for a chat about everyday things.

As the facilitator it is your duty to wrap-up the session smoothly and transfer into work-mode hereafter - don't forget how people might be feeling after this. It is your duty to make them feel heard and understood. A wrap-up can therefore take a bit longer if you allow for it!

Good luck!

A Tip: We recommend sharing in your teams by having the questions in front of yourselves during this exercise. You can copy and paste the image underneath and paste it into your teams chat or powerpoint:

Facilitator Decides: Individual Reflection or Team Level Question Prompt in Wrap-Up, depending on timeframe and necessity:

OPTIONAL PROMPT: How can your team help you be more dedicated?

OPTIONAL PROMPT: How can you help your team be more dedicated?

Each individual is a small, but vital piece in a working system.

The system is us.
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