This introspective exercise is designed to be simple and effective. Introspection can help you process and prime yourself for many different things. Some say its the most cost effective form of therapy. In this simple exercise, we begin to help you gain clarity and improve your day.
“Writing in a journal each day allows you to direct your focus to what you accomplished, what you’re grateful for and what you’re committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus, you more deeply enjoy your journey each day.” — Hal Elrod.
At the AgeOfUs we like think of journaling as checking in and out with yourself at the start and end of each day. It is super simple. Especially if you are working remotely or from home. Just follow the steps below.
April 11, 2020
Desired Outcome:
Framing each day in mental clarity.
The shortest path to impacting the world is through a better version of yourself. This self checkin aims to invest in yourself with a small time contribution that can result in huge benefits.
There are simply too many distractions that will take control of your mind (Technology: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube..). Use these checkins and win back full control of your environment through self-awareness and deep introspection.
"Where attention goes, energy flows.” - James Redfield.
Stop managing your time.
Start managing your focus.
99% of what stressed you out recently won’t even matter a month from now. Shake off the nonsense, bring your attention back to what’s important, and move forward with your life.
Wrap up your day by checking out with this introspective prompt. It will Increase your self awareness and help you end your day with gratitude. Over time, your mind will feel more flexible and clear as you train it to live with clear intentions and a strong desire to follow through.
“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” - Thomas Edison
"Treat yourself like you were a friend you care about” - Jordan Peterson.