Start your day right


Guiding questions that we use to prime our mindset for a great day.
Direction with simplicity = consistency.
Want to get fully immersed in your tasks?
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The Self-CheckIn borrows from grounding meditation techniques and profound journaling questions. We have kept it short and sweet because less more and consistency is key.

You can journal on these or just take a few moments to think about them. The more focus you give this exercise the more it will help you throughout your day.

the self-checkin

The Questions


1. How are you feeling? Is there a specific emotion that is stronger? Is your body tense or relaxed?

2. Pay attention to your breathing and try to notice if there is anything stressing you out.


3. If there is anything partical on your mind that is stressful, think about your circle of influence,
is there anything you can do right now about it? Or can you park that for now?


4. What things can you do today that would make you go to bed feeling fulfilled?

5. Think of one or more things that you are grateful for today.

The place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our circle of influence, our own character. - Stephen Covey

Mobile Wallpapers

Get constant reminders with these bespoke wallpapers for iPhone X+
and any other phone layout you can image. Download below!

Desktop Wallpaper Dark

Get constant reminders with these bespoke wallpapers for iPhone X+
and any other phone layout you can image. Download below!

⎋ Download HQ | Dark

Desktop Wallpaper Orange

Get daily reminders of how to work and function in a remote working environment by priming your mind with our philosophy & model. Download below!

⎋ Download HQ | Orange
Each individual is a small, but vital piece in a working system.

The system is us.